IzyNFC™ - NFC Application Developer Toolkit

This first version of the NFC Application Developer Toolkit was developed by Orange Labs/R&D. This toolkit is developed for mobile NFC applications based on the SIM-centric architecture and Java™ platform.

The targets of the NFC Application Developer Toolkit are mainly developers and NFC Service Providers. This toolkit provides an attractive and ergonomic mean for development, end-to-end simulation and testing of NFC applications. For example, it can be used to develop Java based embedded software for mobile handset (MIDlet, Android), the SIM (CARDlet).

The IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is Eclipse Indigo (3.7). This is the core component for the development.

This toolkit contain the following parts:


The IDE is an application providing a graphical user interface, a text (code) editor, a compiler and/or an interpreter and also a debugger. In addition to these native modules, the toolkit integrate : a MIDlet wizard, a MIDlet editor, Android application wizard, Android application editor, a cardlet wizard, and a cardlet editor. Moreover, it will include several libraries to develop and run "contactless" back office applications (NFC Device Emulator).

MIDlet Wizard The MIDlet wizard is a user interface made of several interactive frames. It helps the user to develop his/her MIDlet suite or MIDlet by choosing the appropriate options.

MIDlet Editor The MIDlet configurator manages the packaging of the MIDlet: the source code analysis, the compilation, the preprocessing, the obfuscation, the creation and management of the MIDlet description file (JAD-file), the signature, the export as a JAR-file.

Android Application Wizard The Android Application wizard is a user interface made of several interactive frames. It helps the user to develop his/her application by choosing the appropriate options.

Android Application Editor The Android Application editor manages the packaging of the application: the source code analysis, the compilation, the preprocessing, the obfuscation, the creation and management of the application description file (AndroidManifest.xml), the signature, the export as a APK-file.

Cardlet Wizard This wizard will allow the user to create a JavaCard project or a JavaCard application (named Cardlet) by guiding his choices. It eases the development of JavaCard applications.

Cardlet Editor This module manages the packaging of the Cardlet: the source code analysis, the compilation, the conversion of Java file to CAP-file (Cardlet ready to be loaded on a SmartCard), test files generation and dump of the CAP-file.


SIM Configurator This configuration module is used to manage Smartcard (including SIM). It has the following functionalities: Load a Cardlet, Install a Cardlet, list all Cardlets stored on a Smartcard and Delete a Cardlet


Handset Emulator The emulator allows the developer to test his/her MIDlets by using the "Handset Emulator" that can be a generic or NFC Wireless Toolkit. It can interact with other modules in order to run applications end to end testing. These tests can be achieved using interactions with a simulated (or real) Smart Card.

SIM Emulator The SIM Emulator allows client applications to send data (APDU) to a Cardlet installed on a physical Smart Card through a contact or a contactless reader.

SIM Simulator The SIM Simulator allows client applications to send data (APDU) to a Cardlet virtually stored on top of a Java Card Runtime Environment.

Download IZYNFC : http://sourceforge.net/projects/izynfc/

For any questions, comments or concerns, please contact : izynfc@gmail.com